
How To Create A Facebook Fan Page For Your Blog

Making Your Own Facebook Fan page Banner is Easier Than You May Think

With photo editing software making it easier for non-graphic designers to make eye-popping images, why pay someone to make it for you?

Quality might be one reason. Someone trained and gifted in design may create something stunning, with just the right color combination and typography that makes you stand out.

You may hire someone to create your banner because frankly, you're too busy with your clients. Your time is valuable and time spent on a Facebook banner is a financial loss for your business.

1. Find an Image or Have One Made

Find an image that is free to use. A couple of sites you may choose from are:

  • Pixabay – a lovely source for quality photos, graphics, and clipart that are free to use. No credit is required.
  • Morgefile – another source of photographs for blog posts. No credit required.
  • Purchase a free stock image
  • IstockPhoto – royalty free images with plans as low as $40/month for 10 images.
  • Dollar Photo Club – royalty free images for just $1.00 each (Adobe Stock Image)
  • Have a custom graphic made
  • Designer – hire a designer to make a logo
  • Illustrator – hire an illustrator to create a cartoon version of you or to illustrate your service

A quick note about the above sources. Any photograph that includes a person needs to have a release form when used for profit. Most will say yes, but it is better to get it before adding it to your Ebook or Course. Please (double please) read the terms before using the sites. If you're not sure, ask.

2. Select Fonts and Colors That Match Your Brand

  • Google Fonts
  • Color Hex Codes

When you make your own banner you need to take into account the branding of your business. What fonts are used in your website and marketing material? What colors are used?

Do you know the Hex Codes for your business website? Here's how to find them:

  • Take a screen shot of your site (CTRL-PrintScreen for Windows, Command-Shift-4 (or 3) for Macs, and CTRL + long rectangle looking image for Chromebooks)
  • Once you have this screenshot go to HTML color codes, upload your screen shot, click on Show Image, then scroll over the various colors to get the Hex Code – write them down

Here are the Fonts and Hex Codes I'll Be Using:

HEX: #3366FF and #cc9900

Fonts: SerifRokkitand Sans Serif Francois One

A graphic designer friend suggests that you use one Sans Serif and one Serif font along with a "pretty" font like Lobster as a complimentary (once in a while) font. Not all fonts work well for computers and mobile devices, keep this in mind when selecting your fonts.

3. Select an Image Editing Program

Technology is amazing now and it's exciting to see all the different applications and software available to make anyone into a graphics queen (or king). Here are some that you may like:

  • PicMonkey
  • Canva
  • Photoshop
  • Gimp
  • Pixlr

I will use PicMonkey and Canva to show you how to use both.

Now that you have selected all the tools you need, let's get started.

Facebook Banner Using PicMonkey

  1. Go to Picmonkey, Select Design, Select Facebook
  2. A window will open with a large white rectangle, the Canvas Color box on the left is open, Check Transparency and then Apply
  3. On the left, click on the butterfly image, Select Own Image, choose your photo from your computer, and Click Open
  4. Click on the corners to resize your photo to fit the rectangle, move the photo around
  5. Add Text by clicking on the big and little Tt, selecting your font name, and clicking Add Text
  6. Click inside the text box, add your text, to change the color, highlight the 000000 and add your hex code, do this for each color and text area
  7. When you are done, click the little pages (layers) down (arrow) button on the top toolbar next to the gear (looks like a flower)
  8. Click Save, name your file, choose file type (.jpg or .png) and then click Save to My Computer

REMEMBER: Leave the bottom left corner empty as this is where your profile picture is.

 Use Canva to Make a Facebook Fanpage Banner

  1. Sign into your account and click on Facebook Banner
  2. A screen with a rectangle comes up. Notice the little human in the left corner? This is where your profile picture will be.
  3. You can search images which may be Free or $1.00 each. You can also scroll down at their templates on the left side. All typography and design are ready for you.
  4. You can use your own image as well. Click the Upload with arrow up button on the left side of screen, then select Upload your own images
  5. Find your image on your computer, select it, and click open
  6. It is now in your image gallery, click on the image, it automatically appears on your canvas
  7. To select a color background, just click on Background, choose a color or choose a custom color (click on +) and enter your Hex Code – hit Enter
  8. Click Text, select the largest, large, or small text to get started OR select a predesigned style to the left
  9. Add your text, select the font, the size, and the color
  10. Click Download (upper right corner)
  11. Name your file and save to your computer


  1. Select an Image or Hire someone to Create one for You
  2. Choose your Hex Code Colors and Fonts
  3. Choose an Image Editing Program
  4. Create, Save, and Use

There is, of course, much more to graphic design than I covered here. This is for beginners or those who (like me) aren't gifted in this area. Let's Rock Those Facebook Pages!

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How To Create A Facebook Fan Page For Your Blog


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