
How Much Blog Traffic Do You Need To Make Money

How Many Page Views Do You Need to Make Money from Your Blog?

Simple questions deserve simple answers. I have made over $2m USD from my travel blog, you can read more about travel blogger income in my blog post here. But how Many Page Views Do You Need to Make Money from Your Blog? Let's look quickly.

Travel blog income
Travel blog income

How To Make Money From A Blog:

I explain how bloggers make money in this blog post. And about travel blogger salary and income here. And even more in-depth in my free ebook when you sign up to my blog. But these are the ways bloggers make money:

  • Ads (This blog post focuses on this)
  • Sponsored Content
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Brand Deals
  • Public Speaking
  • Products and Courses
  • Tours/Trips

I explain about all these in other blog posts, this post is just about 'Ads'.

How Much Money You Make on A Blog From Ads

Ok, I know you want a simple answer. I'll try to keep it simple. On this blog post you're reading, you can see the ads right? Every couple of paragraphs there is an ad, at the bottom of the post there is an ad. Ok, I get paid for each person that is looking at this blog post. But how much do I get paid? That depends on what country the person is looking from. If the person is American, I get paid the most. Then UK/Australia etc. If the person is from Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. I get paid the least. Why? Because Western countries are much more likely to purchase something. Whether it's a new iPhone cable, or a t-shirt. That's the reality.

What is RPM:

The easiest answer to How Many Page Views Do You Need to Make Money from Your Blog comes down to RPM. RPM is 'revenue per mille' OR in normal English, how much you get paid for every 1000 people who see the ad/read the blog post. It's this 'RPM' that varies depending on the country. So if you're writing about 'Visiting Florida', your RPM is high because the audience is mostly American. If you're writing about things to do in Bangladesh (which is exactly the kind of stuff I write, and I'm interested in!) your RPM is much lower.

Ok, but how much do people actually earn from ads on their blogs?!

Ok, Ok. Don't hold me to this, because it varies greatly. RPMs can vary from $0.10 for every 1000 views, as seen in my income report below. To $50+ RPM for every 1000. But I write about travel which is not as lucrative in terms of revenue per 1000 views as other niches.

What is RPM in blogging
What is RPM in blogging; Countries with low RPM
What is RPM in blogging
What is RPM in blogging; Countries with high RPM

What niche pays the most in blog revenue?

I write about travel, so you can see my RPM ranges from roughly $0.10 to just less $20. Travel kind of sucks for blog income. If you write about financial services or insurance, the RPM is MUCH higher. This is because people are constantly buying online products related to blog content.

However, I recommend you blog about what you love. Not what is lucrative. You'll burn out. I love to travel, especially to adventurous destinations, so if blogging about traveling to Iraq, or traveling to Syria doesn't make me much money, that's ok. I enjoy it. That's why I'm still blogging 10 years later. If I blog about banking, I would make more money per 1000 page views, sure, BUT I would have stopped blogging years ago. And therefore made A LOT LESS money, because I quit! So yeah, blog what you love.

1 million page views per month revenue

For easy maths, you want to know 1 million page views per month revenue, right? Ok. Let's look. Depending on the type of traffic you have, that could vary from $200 per month to $50,000USD per month for 1 million page views.

In my travel niche, I would make roughly $15,000USD per month for 1 million page views. $180,000USD per year.

If we think that an average RPM is $7.5 to $10 per 1000 views, that would be $7,500 to $10k per month for 1,000,000 views.

how to make money blogging
My FREE ebook when you sign up to my blog

Final thoughts on page views and blog revenue

Now I'm sure these figures can be disputed but they give you an idea about what page rank you require, and how many unique monthly visitors you need to generate a certain amount of cash (through ads etc). So if you want to make $50k USD per year from your blog, then you roughly need 500,000 page views per month. This is all without selling ebooks, using affiliate marketing or selling your time or expertise, they all increase revenue further.

Note, I'm not selling anything here, I'm not making any money from this post, I just know that when I started out blogging I wanted to know some figures and they were difficult to come by, these are the sort of figures that I, and some of my friends, regularly turn from each website. Now imagine having 4 or 5 websites. Suddenly the money increases quickly! Good luck and happy travels!!

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Also, if you want to start a blog...I CAN HELP YOU!

Also, if you want to start a blog, and start to change your life, I'd love to help you! Email me on In the meantime, check out my super easy blog post on how to start a travel blog in under 30 minutes, here! And if you just want to get cracking, use BlueHost at a discount, through me.

Also, (if you're like me, and awful with tech-stuff) email me and my team can get a blog up and running for you, designed and everything, for $300 - email to get started.

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How Much Blog Traffic Do You Need To Make Money


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